Flexuous corollas cm. 24x18 Flowers in a glass cm. 24x30 Summer colours cm. 24x18 Rainy sky cm. 50x40 Shadows and light on the water cm. 30x24 Fragrance in a glass cm. 24x18
Scent of violets cm. 30x24 Like butterfly wings cm. 30x24 Flowers cm. 30x24 Carnosità floreale cm. 50x40 After the rain cm. 34x18 Clouds passing on water cm. 24x18
Floral preciousness cm. 24x18 Hybrids of tea-roses cm. 24x18 Rose e ginestre corallo cm. 50x40 Tea roses Crystal vase cm.50x40 View of a rosebed cm.24x18
Pale roses cm. 50x40 Roses in the woods cm. 50x40 Summer roses In the vase of the goldfish cm. 24x18 Autunno cm. 24x18 Vase with gladioli cm.30x24
Violets cm.30x24 Da un giardino inglese cm. 50x40 Ligurian paysage cm. 30x24 Regatta cm. 24x18 Rose pastello cm. 30x24 Rose e ginestre cm. 50x40
Viottolo cm. 24x18 Yellow roses cm. 24x18 Purple roses cm. 50x40 Gold and ruby cm. 30x24 Roses and gladioles cm. 24x18 Silky roses
Bright roses cm. 30x24 Water and sky cm. 30x24 Morning light cm. 30x24 Delicate bouquet cm. 40x30 Haughty roses cm. 50x40 Passion cm. 70x50
View of a lake with birches cm. 40x30 Bouquet with crimson roses cm. 30x24 Gold in the woods cm. 24x18 Vase with rambler roses cm. 24x18 Aspirations cm. 70x50 Forming the rainbow cm. 70x50
Sinuosity cm. 50x40 Clear waters cm. 50x40 Morning cm. 30x24 Queens of the garden cm. 24x18 Bun of clouds cm. 50x40 Rose in boccio
Vibrations cm. 70x50 Romantic mixture cm. 50x40 Olive trees at Garda Lake cm. 50x40 Life on the lake cm. 40x30 Veleggiando sul lago cm. 40x30 A view of a cathedral cm. 70x50
Colourful bouquet cm. 24x18 In una brocca cm. 40x30 Harmonies in a China vase cm. 30x24 Pastel transparences cm. 50x40 The playing of the clouds on the water cm. 50x40 Morning glares cm. 30x40
Winter lights Light on the ponds cm. 70x50 Giornata d'inverno cm. 50x40 Snowy path cm. 70x50 Dreaming cm. 50x40 Cloudy sky cm. 60x100
Bush of roses cm. 50x70 Marina cm. 30x40 Towards evening cm.18x24 Oriental atmosphere cm. 30x40 Summer sumptuousness cm. 24x30 Enchantment at sunset cm.40x50
Gladiole e rose cm. 18x24 Boats cm. 13x18 Bright corollas cm. 18x24 Tenderness cm. 40x50 Roses in the wind cm.24x30 Marina ad Ekenas cm.40x50
Storm cm. 40x50 Colori solari cm. 18x24 Aprile sul lago cm. 40x50 Transfiguration cm. 40x50 Breeze on the lake cm. 24x30 Peaceful view of a lake cm. 18x24
Windy day cm. 18x24 Flashes before the thunder-storm cm.40x50 Fishermen hut cm. 40x50 Along the river cm. 30x40 In the bay cm. 40x50 Freedom cm. 50x70
Orgy cm. 50x70 Forze della natura cm. 50x70 Springtime cm. 50x70 Apocalypse cm. 50x70 Frenzy cm. 50x70 Solitude cm. 30x40
Elfs of the fire cm. 50x70 Eden cm. 50x70 Genesis cm. 40x50 At the lake in September cm. 18x24 Reflections on the lake cm. 30x40 Sky and sea cm. 50x40
Dopo la pesca Autumn foliage cm. 50x70 Sailing boats in the bay cm. 40x50
The breathing of the country cm. 40x50 Light towards evening cm. 40x50 Coming out of the woods cm. 50x70